Calendly schedule appointments with the professional school counselor
Parent/Guardian Referral Form report social/emotional concerns
Incoming HS student Orientation Questionnaire help us learn more about your child joining LJA
Counseling Brochure (Printable PDF) overview of professional school counseling services offered at LJA
Professional School Counseling Handbook (DOC) overview of current policy and procedures
Overview of Referral Process
Important Links:
Family Portal
Calendly schedule appointments with the professional school counselor
Parent/Guardian Referral Form report social/emotional concerns
Incoming HS student Orientation Questionnaire help us learn more about your child joining LJA
Counseling Brochure (Printable PDF) overview of professional school counseling services offered at LJA
Professional School Counseling Handbook (DOC) overview of current policy and procedures
Overview of Referral Process
Important Links:
Family Portal
The counseling team seeks to provide caring, practical support to students as they learn how to navigate the challenges of life, as well as to develop their own path to happiness and wellbeing.
The counseling team seeks to provide caring, practical support to students as they learn how to navigate the challenges of life, as well as to develop their own path to happiness and wellbeing.
The counseling team seeks to provide caring, practical support to students as they learn how to navigate the challenges of life, as well as to develop their own path to happiness and wellbeing.
Frequently Asked Questions
What services do LJA counselors provide? Counselors provide confidential, proactive and responsive services, which are integrated into all aspects of students' school life. Counselors provide appropriate tools for communicating, making decisions, and developing friendships and coping skills. Counselors provide services by supporting social and emotional learning programs that teach skills for achieving "success", facilitating small group counseling, providing immediate short-term counseling when needed, and providing support during personal crisis. In addition, counselors work collaboratively with teachers, staff and parents to connect them to community resources if needed and to help their student succeed in their academic, career, personal and social development.
Why would students meet with the counselor? Students may self-refer or be referred to the counselor if there are concerns that are inhibiting their learning here at school. Some examples may include behavioral difficulties, social/emotional concerns, transition support, conflict with peers, attendance concerns or academic concerns.
How do students get referred to the counselor? Students can see the counselor via self-referral, parental request, peer referral, invitation from the counselor, administrative referral, or teacher/staff referral. Parental referral forms are available on the 'Family Portal', located top right.
For how long does the counselor meet with students? Counseling sessions are designed to be short-term and solution-focused, however regular 'check ins' are offered as needed. The counselor's priority is for the student's happiness and well being so students can choose to meet with the counselor anytime during school hours. Students can schedule 30 minute meetings and are encouraged to schedule meetings with the counselor outside of classroom instruction time.
How do parents contact the counselor? Parents are invited to contact the counselor at any time during office hours via phone, email or in person. Parents are welcome to schedule appointments with the counselor here.
How do students get referred for outside services? Counselors are here to provide support for students during their school day. This may include issues with friends, test anxiety, social issues, and problems at home that are affecting their school day. There are times when outside, private counseling may be necessary, such as when there are persistent difficulties at home (i.e. divorce, death of a loved one, deployment, mental health concerns, etc.) that are affecting the child at school or the counselor determines the student could benefit from ongoing professional therapeutic support. If you decide private counseling would benefit your family, the counselor can provide information regarding local services.
If a student is receiving outside services, what is the role of the school-based counselor? Counselors will collaborate with the outside service providers. Parents will be asked to complete a 'Release of Information' form, which will allow for communication between providers.
If it is a weekend, how do I get help for Crisis Counseling? Please review the 'Get help now' page, located at the bottom of this browser. ​
What are the parameters around confidentiality? Confidentiality is an important aspect of counseling; this is one of the ways the counselor builds trust with the student. When a breach in confidentiality is necessary, the counselor would make a report to the appropriate agencies, support staff and/or parents depending on the situation. Note: The counselor's highest priority is keeping students safe. Counselors and all other school staff members are mandated reporters. Mandated reporters are required by law to report to the Police or Child Protective Services any time a student is suspected of being in danger. The exceptions to confidentiality include:
The student is in imminent danger.
The student is threatening to harm him/herself or someone else.
The student reports an incident of abuse and/or neglect.
The student gives permission to disclose.
If I see the counselor, does it mean I am in trouble? When you are asked or encouraged to meet with the counselor, it does NOT mean you are in trouble or "bad". In fact, the counselors are adults at school who act as your advocate. An advocate is someone who wants to listen to what you have to say and help to come up with reasonable solutions to making the situation better. It does not mean that counselors can solve the problem for you; it does mean that there is a safe place to go when you are not sure what to do.
How can students get in touch with the counselor? Counselors are available to students Monday - Friday from 7:45am - 3:45pm and can be reached by email, phone, and/or in person. While drop-in meetings are welcome, the counselor may not always be available. Students are encouraged to use the SCHEDULE A MEETING page to make an appointment with a counselor.
Where can I find an overview of school counseling policies and procedures? Counseling Handbook (DOC)
Where is the counselor's office? See Contact Us page.
Where can I find school updates regarding COVID-19? Le Jardin Academy is posting updates at https://www.lejardinacademy.org/community/health-updates.
Will LJA counselors provide services if we return to distance learning? Yes! Counselors will continue to offer responsive services to students, faculty and parents. Check the Telehealth page for details.​